A Dynamic and Diverse Community for Tax Professionals

全国注册代理人协会不仅仅是一个专业组织. When you join our community, we become your partner, your teacher, and your advocate in the halls of Congress and beyond. NAEA believes in your professional commitment, 并努力工作,为你带来利益和机会,开始或扩大你的职业生涯,作为一个税务专业人士.


Continuing Education

会员可通过我们的网站提供的精选在线研讨会和点播节目,获得至少40个免费CE Continuing Education Portal.

EA Journal

Remain current on hot tax topics with the bimonthly EA Journal and weekly e-newsletters.

Tax Directory

Expand your customer clientele with a listing in our Find a Tax Expert Directory.

(only available to regular NAEA members)


Contribute to protecting the profession in the legislative, regulatory, and public policy arenas by supporting NAEA’s advocacy activities.


与专业的税务专家社区保持联系 NAEA Member WebBoard.

Exclusive Discounts

Exclusive member offers and discounts, like a free Verifyle Pro account and insurance options.

Membership Options

无论你是刚开始职业生涯的税务专业人士还是经验丰富的税务专业人士, NAEA在这里赋予你力量,为你提供资源, tools and information you’ll need to support your clients. NAEA会员资格支持您在瞬息万变的税务行业中取得成功, 我们的会员级别是为满足您的需求而设计的,无论您处于何种职业阶段.


NAEA Member

(Open to EAs only)

$275 annual fee plus state affiliate annual dues.

Click here to view the list of State Affiliate Dues*.

*如果您的实践位于与NAEA州附属机构的州, then the amount of the affiliate dues is noted. 这些会费也每年更新的日期,你加入. 你必须同时保持国家协会和州协会的会员资格.

SEE Passer New Member Discount

(Open to new enrolled agents only)

$175 annual fee
($100 discount off first year of membership)

SEE Passers get FREE access to NAEA’s Line by Line Tax Basic Certificate Program.

To qualify for NAEA SEE Passer membership, 候选人必须同意提供NAEA会员部门 过去12个月内通过特殊入学考试(SEE)的证明文件.

This should be one of the following:

  • Enrolled Agent License
  • Enrolled Agent Certificate
  • 特殊招生考试所有三个部分的课程成绩报告


Questions? Email

NAEA Associate

(Open to unenrolled preparers and aspiring EAs)

$275 annual fee.

Affiliate Membership is optional for Associate Members. Click here to view the list of State Affiliate Dues

员工可以免费获得ent EA审查课程-第一部分

Academic Associate

(Open to students and instructors)

2-year complimentary membership.

免费期后每年35美元,最长可达8年. 在此10年期限之后,会员必须更改为关联或常规会员类型.

那些在税务认可的大学或专业学校学习的人, accounting, 或财务计划申请免费的学术助理会员, please provide one of the following:

  • Copy of your Class Schedule
  • Copy of your Transcripts
  • A letter from your Dean as proof of eligibility

*Individuals defined by IRS Circular 230 (i.e. EAs, CPAs, CFPs, etc.) are not eligible for this membership type.

Submit your application online 以及PDF格式的支持文件,请使用以下链接.

Emeritus Membership

(Open to retirees)

$68 annual fee

  • 退休资格是指完全从执业中退休的个人.
  • 您必须已经在更新表8554上向国税局表明您希望“非活跃退休状态”.”
  • 您必须是一个良好的信誉,至少一年的积极会员资格,以申请荣休会员

Email 附上一份PDF格式的国税局信函,确认您的非活动代理人身份.

Need help choosing the membership that’s right for you? Contact us.

NEW: NAEA Members Access TheTaxBook™  WebLibrary for $249!

TheTaxBook WebLibrary Plus是一个屡获殊荣的在线税务研究解决方案. 会员可以享受优惠价和免运费 在更新会员资格时添加TheTaxBook WebLibrary Plus的订阅,只需249美元(零售价349美元). 您的订阅包括访问每个版本的税务手册以及广泛的政府文件库. 掌握最新的税务信息是至关重要的. 快速查找信息,有良好的写作和易于理解的解释和例子. 通过使用TheTaxBook WebLibrary Plus节省时间和金钱.

在过去的九年里被选为黄金城电子娱乐网址最好的税务参考书, TheTaxBook is known for its fast-answer format, client-friendly content, and customer satisfaction rating of 98.6%.

“我很高兴能在第一年的会员费上获得新的EA折扣. 自从我通过考试以来,NAEA一直是我非常重要的资源. I truly appreciate the organization!”

Laurel Rieping

“我参加了三个证书课程,这是一段美妙的经历:伙伴关系, basic foreign and S-corps (in-progress). 这些项目增强、刷新和提高了我作为一名注册代理的技能. I liked getting the certificates and the CE. Thank you!”

Ronald J. Hanson, EA, NTPI Fellow

40 Free CE Credits Per Year

通过我们的继续教育课程建立您的专业知识. NAEA会员每年可获得多达40个免费的CE直播和点播(并非所有的直播节目都可以点播).

Choose your membership level

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